“What do you do? I’m a photographer. Oh, what kind?”
This is a common question I hear people asking photographers. Almost as if a “kind” is specific to what you photograph. They expect to hear: I’m a wedding photographer, or I’m a portrait photographer, or I’m a newborn photographer, but really my “kind”, my “style” is not based on the people I choose to photograph, but in how and why I photograph them.
When I first started photography back in 2009 I was scared and naïve. I followed the crowd and I really thought that my “niche” was who I wanted to photograph. It took some soul searching this time around to really figure out what makes me happy and who I am as a photographer. Mind you, this is an ongoing process, but I’ve learned that my photography is more than a person. I don’t and won’t limit my craft.
I take photographs to capture moments. Not something that is, but the essence of what can or will be.
I want to capture the way you look at the man of your dreams; the way you feel when he places his hand on your belly and you realize that life will soon be different and full.
My “niche” are those who are not afraid to be themselves and don’t hold back. Those that let me in – just a little – to capture an intimate moment.
My niche is not defined by age, gender, education, or interest. They are everyday people who know the value photograph.
So what “kind” of photographer am I? I’m the one that wants you to feel something when you look back at your images. The one that pushes you to let me in and goes above and beyond to capture the essence of your life, just as it is, right now. Something that – only years later – would make you realize just how important this moment truly was.