Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family. – Author Unknown
I read this article on the Huffington Post and it expressed so well how I feel about photos in general that I need to share it with all of you. If you’re engaged to be married, then quick, tell me why it’s worth it to have an engagement photo session? I was reading a thread on a wedding forum where brides weighed in about that. And all the comments were offering the same two or three opinions: “It’s a chance to get comfortable with the photographer,” “can use it for the save the date,” “it’s a way to see how I photograph.” And there were those who saw no… Keep Reading
If you are an artist within, you encounter an eternal struggle; a feeling of never being fully satisfied and an everlasting itch to always do better. I have a career where I use mostly the left side of my brain and according to my Edgar Cayce’s birth profile (please don’t ask why I own one), I work in the ideal field for me. I’m considered to be organized, to follow the rules, love the law and justice – and for the most part that is true. For as long as I can remember I have been just that. I have followed what has come easy to me and what is considered… Keep Reading