I had my eye on it. The blue embroidered whales adorning the bumper with matching crib skirt and sheet, the wall art reflecting pieces of the sea, the straw baskets. The adorable matching pillow that now rests on the linen chair in his room. I picked it all and bought it all.
The planning began way before I announced to my family and friends that we were having a third baby and he was a boy! Because to me, one of the greatest parts of pregnancy, and well – all of major life events – is the planning. I love to plan, and dream, and make lists. And so I pretty much had his entire room pictured in my head by the time we announced that he was coming.
Today I found myself perusing RH Baby & Child website again, not because I’m expecting, but because I might – just might- be considering remodeling Khloe’s room. And while there, I fell in love with their new nursery décor. Let me share some inspiration with you.
And their fury friends have captured by heart.